Digital Diaspora Family Reunion (DDFR) participant, Gail Ablow, got to have her own little DDFR moment in the dog park one day. See her story below!

Gail Ablow holding photo of Madeleine and her dog Hudson
DDFR: Gail, You mentioned you took a photo that reminded you of Digital Diaspora project…
Gail: This morning I took my puppy to the dog park and overheard another dog owner telling a friend that she had been to several funerals recently and the photos of the deceased were prominent and plentiful. Then she said, “I have no photos of me, what will be displayed at my funeral?” I know her name is Madeleine, her dog’s name is Hudson, and that she is a retired teacher. But I don’t really know her. Regardless, I spoke up, “I can take your photo!” She pointed at my cellphone and back to herself, “Yes, but how will you get it from there, to here?” I smiled. “Easy. You’ll give me your email address and I will send it to you.” Then she smiled. And Hudson stepped into the sun-speckled background just as I took the shot.
DDFR: What a beautiful generous and gratifying story. In a way it redefines family as community.
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