Ebony Brown shared a photo from her experience during the ‘Women’s March on Washington’ just the day before!
The Digital Diaspora Family Reunion (DDFR) roadshow headed to Sugar Hill Children’s Museum on January 22th with co-host and co-producer Reverend Malika Lee Whitney! Rev Whitney was a recipient of the Harlem’s Treasures Award given by DDFR during the 2012 roadshow at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. She, like many of our DDFR participants, has maintained a strong relationship with our project over the years and when she asked us to join her in creating this new program for the children’s museum, we said of course! “BABY, It’s You!” – which became the title for our a special event – bridges the gap between generations as we experience family stories told by all ages, from children to elders.

Thomas Allen Harris and Rev Malika Lee Whitney with participants!
Our roadshow visit to northern Harlem’s Sugar Hill community merged family stories from as far as Puerto Rico with Zenaida Muslin, to Margaretta Bobo Goines as a dancer in Wisconsin! We worked with Reverend Whitney to curate special guests for an event filled with people of all ages and colors dancing to live music, sharing photographs and moments of laughter and tears. Everyone truly enjoyed a deeply connected afternoon!

Audience members sharing photographs with one another.

Mother and daughter, Natasha and Narena Haye, share a moment with their baby portraits!
People of all ages participated and everyone especially enjoyed seeing the children participate. Mother and daughter, Natasha & Narena Haye, shared their baby portraits together while a family of three young siblings – Sayde, Khloe & Zariah – our youngest participants to date, shared the stage to show some of the first photos taken of them as toddlers!

Three young siblings got on stage to present as our youngest participants! They got to show their birthday photos as toddlers and got a big round of applause from the audience.

Presenting our youngest participants to date!

Participant Deirdre Lovell shared memories of her father’s role in the Mason community. She presented photographs as well as Mason regalia, including his jewelry.
Deirdre Lovell brought a treasure trove of her father’s Mason regalia to share with the Sugar Hill community! People of all ages enjoyed an exhibition of masonic memorabilia, framed portraits of her father as Master Kumar side by side with ephemera of certificates awarded to him.

Deidre’s Brooklyn-based masonic family history was presented exhibition style at Sugar Hill!

Grace Jones awaits eagerly to share her family story!

Vergie Braneh shares a few photos from her cherished family album of her first grandson!

Vergie Braneh proudly poses with some of her photographs!

Zenaida Muslin shares an emotional experience of visiting the National Archives in Puerto Rico and coming across a photo of herself as a child that she has never seen before!

Louis Boone shared photos and memorable experiences during his time serving in US customs.

Rebecca King shared her 6th grade graduation photo from The Modern School, one of the first African American private schools in NY, along with founder Mildred Johnson, shown here in a 1953 issue of The Amsterdam News!

June Terry and Margaretta Bobo Goines with precious photographs of their family!

A 1World1Family experience at Sugar Hill Children’s Museum!
Visit our Flickr album to see more photos!
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