Since the first opening reception on Oct 3rd, “Turning Strangers into Family”, Digital Diaspora Family Reunion‘s interactive exhibition has been continuing with many family photographic archives and their amazing stories. DDFR […]

Since the first opening reception on Oct 3rd, “Turning Strangers into Family”, Digital Diaspora Family Reunion‘s interactive exhibition has been continuing with many family photographic archives and their amazing stories. DDFR […]
The opening reception of Digital Diaspora Family Reunion‘s interactive exhibition was held at the Gallery at the Whitney Humanities Center at Yale University last Monday. This exhibition is designed to encourage people […]
What does it mean to change the visual narrative of a country? This question has been the central focus of Digital Diaspora Family Reunion (DDFR) founded by filmmaker, Thomas Allen […]
This Winter, I was invited by Rob Storr and Susan Cahan to lead a Digital Diaspora Family Reunion seminar at the Yale University School of Art. The seminar included two […]
“Earlier this month, I presented a talk in the Projection Design class of Wendall Harrington, a professor in the Yale School of Drama. Wendall Harrington is a pioneer in projection design (she’s […]
Digital Diaspora Family Reunion was invited for a special Black History Month kickoff event at the Afro-American Cultural Center at Yale University. The Center saw our DDFR Roadshow as a […]